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Breastfeeding & Lactation!

Breastfeeding is an important part of motherhood and at the same time can be very challenging, overwhelming and trying. We are here to help!

We have a few options, services and program for mothers to help guide and assist them throughout their breastfeeding journey. 

Breastfeeding How to Class


Join us for a 2 hour breastfeeding education class learning what you need to know about breastfeeding. Here you will learn how to latch your baby correctly, how much and often your baby should be eating, hand expression and much more! We will work with you to create realistic expectations about your breastfeeding journey. This class is held the last Thursday of the month. 

Please click the link below to register. 

Buffalos Breastfeeding Sisters

Buffalo's Breastfeeding Sisters

In partnership with REACH Buffalo, this is our African American breastfeeding program and support group. Click the link below for additional details. 

Latch Clinic & In home Support 

Our latch clinic is a in office or in home breastfeeding evaluation of a feeding to asses what adjustments need to be made to help have you feel more comfortable nursing and understand how to have more success with breastfeeding. Click the link below to schedule your personal appointment. 

Office appointments are $30 per hour, in home appointments are $50 per hour.

*We currently are only accepting Erie County Medicaid plans under insurance coverage.* 

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